Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Where God leads

I've really never posted a blog but I thought I'd give it a try. Over the past several months I've been really lead to look at friendship (aka relationships). What does it mean to and for me?

I've really taken a hard look at what it means first to be a friend. How important is it to have a few strong relationships in your life. Well I can honestly say God has put those few relationships in my life.

I thought I knew what it truly meant to be real and to have friends. Unfortunatley I have seen over the last year that even though you might think a person is your true friend just try making a decision in your life that they don't agree with. They drop you like a hot potato. Yeap! I mean drop you.... I think there was even a little bounce to it!

I've really tried to strive to be a real person. What you see is what you get kind of thing. People either love me for who I am or they don't. You want everyone to like you and most importantly respect you. But in today's world that's pretty hard to come by. I guess in the real world REAL relationships or friendships will continue to be few and far between. I want this to change... God wants this to change!

When talking about relationships that big word TRUST comes into play. Did you grow up in a world where people continuosly let you down and even hurt you so deeply you thought you'd never get over it. Well those feelings are carried over into the rest of your life. It's hard to let down the walls that you've built to stay protected... Don't let anyone get to know the REAL you...Don't let them see that you are vulnurable... that you have feelings....that you can be sympathetic... don't care about me to much and then I don't have to care about you!

I have been truly blessed over the last year or so with people that love me for who I am...they might not always agree with my behavior but they still love me. I know they truly want to know ME for who I am. They want to be apart of my life in good and bad times. I have to say I feel the same about them. I've let down the walls once again and God has shown me that there are those true and meaningful relationships out there.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone good say, "I have true friends in my life that will love me no matter what!" I can make stupid choices and go off the deep end and they'll be there to tell me I need to straighten up and catch me when I fall. Just like God, He's always there to catch us and put His arms around us when no one else will. But I beleive that I have found those few friends in my life that will be there to wrap their arms around me and catch me when I fall no matter what. And just LOVE ME!


Dave said...

Yah, that old saying about true friends know the real me and love me anyway. That is a friendship worth the wait.

Dave said...

only.....Dave didn't say it :-) I did! Jeri

Dave said...

Hey Kat! These REAL relationships sure don't just happen automatically, but they really are worth the effort!!


Kathy said...

Hey Dave they are worth the effort and the wait! No matter how long the wait!