Monday, February 11, 2008

What am I missing?

I keep thinking about the things missing in my life... I have 3 great kids... I might not always approve of their behaviors but I love them no matter what and would give my life for them. I have a husband that loves me unconditionally for the last 25 years. He's a wonderful man and father. We've had to grow up together and find ourselves. But it seems over the last year or so we've become closer than ever. It's like we have the time now to get to know each other and talk about other things besides just the kids. That use to be all our conversations existed of was something to do with one or the other of the three kids.

Our kids are getting older and making a life of their own. It's scary and sad at times. I tend to have this problem of knowing what's going on with each of them and having some type of control. Well that is slowly deminishing... I have to learn that they are old enough now to have control of their own lives and Mom is just around as a sounding board when they need me... I hate losing that control. We still have two of the three here at home but they spend most of their time out of the house. I feel very lonely at times, wondering when they'll be home and what can I do with them to have one more special moment with them.

I have my salvation... My relationship with Christ! I tend to take alot more time with Him and asking Him what He wants for my life and what are my next steps. I tend to not always agree with Him but He is my Lord and I try not to argue and just follow.

Then there is my family... My sister, brothers, and Mom and their families. I find it really hard to stay a part of what is going on in their lives as well...I've lost my control there... What's up with all this control stuff? I feel needed if I'm in control and I tend to have less and less of that as I get older. I was a big part of my siblings lives when they were growing up since I am the oldest. But now most of the time if there is anyone that needs me it's my sister, I love her like she was one of my children. She is 10 years younger!

So I have my children, Hubby, family, my LORD, and last but not least my friends. I have friends all over the US but some I haven't talked to in years but they're always in my heart and prayers. Then I have the friends that live close. They are the ones that I speak to weekly and try to see just as often. Not that it always works out that way but we try to keep caught up in each others lives.

So what am I missing? Really I can't find anything. God has blessed me with so much that I truly can't ask for anything else. Am I missing anything? I would say NO! I have the love of my children, hubby, family, and friends. Most of all I have the love of my LORD! Jesus Christ!

I look at my past and wonder how I got as far as I did and it all comes down to Love! Love is the key to life! Without it in your life there isn't life! Make sure the people you have in your life know that you Love them. If you don't have Christ in your life ask me how you can get Him there! There is nothing more wonderful than knowing I'm always Loved no matter my screw ups.

I'm glad to know that I have everything in my life that I need. LOVE!


Jeri said...

Hey, Kathy,
Once you recognize that you have all that you need, you also find contentment--which leads to peace in your life--which gives you great joy and happiness. What more could you ask for?

Dave said...

Yeah, that control thing - it's hard to give up.