Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I was thinking about my prayer life the other day... I came to the conclusion that I believe God and I have lots of conversations throughout my day. I get mad I tell God...I get excited I tell Him...

When I think of prayer I don't see the whole bowing my head kneeling stuff... It's me , a cup of coffee, and God having conversation. If no one is around I usually talk out loud to Him. It's funny becuase I carry on with Him just like I would anyone else.

I know during our ladies group on Thursday nights I shared with them I never have quite understood the whole unspoken prayer request thing. If it's unspoken why tell anyone else? God knows what's in your heart, why get anyone else to pray for something that they know nothing about?! I'm just saying I don't get it! Also, the whole everyone tells us prayer request in a circle and then one person has to try to remember everyone's request and repeat them. God already knows. I have been in those situations where someone's request wasn't repeated and then they took it personally. My point, God already KNOWS! Why risk hurting someone's feelings, mind you, unintentionally when God has heard the request once or maybe more times already.

I feel we should share our prayer request so others can pray for you and your request throughout their week. But why back track and keep repeating ourselves. God definitely Already KNOWS!

I was reading a book, "Confessions of a Pastor" by Craig Groeschel. It's a great book you guys should check it out. Craig in his book talks about how the Bible tells us to "pray continually" and he says how his knee jerk reaction was he didn't like to pray, his mind wonders and drifts, how could he pray continually when he can't even pray for five minutes straight. (sounds like me) He says now that continual prayer has become an attitude- not just a set of behaviors- directed to God. He also states that he's learned to pray honestly, to pray about anything, and to pray continually. He gives some great ideas about prayer - writing out your prayers, pray during routine tasks, pray in different places, pray varying your body'd position, and pray by listening.His last line or so about his prayer life I really liked... "Like breathing air, allow moment-by-moment fellowship to become a way of life- starting this very moment. Go ahead. Communicate."

I really believe that prayer is communicating with God. You know all these professionals when it comes to relationships harp on communication... well if we use their advice with others why not use it with God. Be honest and open with your communication with God. Say it out loud to Him. He knows who you are, be yourself with Him!


Dave said...

Hey Kat, you already know my deal with prayer requests - I think. I really get bothered when people share OTHER PEOPLE's issues. Don't we have enough of our own issues to share? It seems to me we often deflect having to be open about our own problems by sharing someone else's. We need to be real with what's going on in our lives - that will give us plenty to pray about.

Okay, I'll kick my soapbox back under may desk now.

Melissa said...


First let me state again for those of you who don't know...I get VERY nervous when I pray out loud in groups. I words in my head never seem to reach my mouth.
The circle, praying out loud after the personal request have been made; I think is for the comfort of the person requesting prayer. People seem to feel better knowing (hearing) that someone else is praying for them.