Friday, February 8, 2008

Where do you abide?

I have a small group of ladies that meet in my home on Thursday evenings. We are doing a study by Max Lucado...I love how he writes!

Over the last couple of weeks in Max's study in Colossians and Philemon we've been discussing relationships with each other and the church. It's been truly great conversation. It's nice to see people put down those walls and get REAL with each other. My biggest thing about having a small group is that we're REAL with each other and we always reflect on how does what God tells us affect us in everyday life TODAY! How can we live it out?

The title of this blog is "Where do you abide?". Where do you live out life? Truly live! Does anyone truly live out life anywhere?

I guess my past experiences tell me I've just been taking up space. I really haven't lived anywhere. One of my friends just found out she's moving to CA. and it started my hubby and I discussing if we'd ever move. I guess the conclusion was that we'd only move closer to those few TRUE REAL friends that we've made over the last year or so. Not that they would want us any closer... but it sure would be interesting!

(1 John 4:16)
And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in Him.

The verse above makes me ask, "Where is my preferred dwelling?". I'd have to say I found mine and it's in God. No matter where I'm at as long as God is in me and truly dwelling there, I abide in Him and He abides in me.

Take time today and look at where your really living. Where are you calling home and do you really live out life there? People tend to live out life in their homes, the four walls that protect them from the world... Did Christ live behind four walls or did He live out in the world? I want to live out in the world, not as the world but as a Christ follower in the world. Let me get out from behind these four walls, let me live life with others! How can we have church (the body of Christ) hiding behind four walls? We can't!

I live in my home but truly I live through and for Christ. Some people have the conception of "Home is where the Heart is!"... Do you have Christ in your heart? If you do your home is in Him!


Dave said...

The house next door is for sale! ;-)

Kathy said...

I thought you said I wasn't allowed to live next to you! :-)